

Expert Tree Service offers a wide range of services. Click on a service below to learn more:



Expert Tree Service recycles 99.9 percent of our green waste. Logs and chips always find a new home.

Over the years we have exported raw logs to China, Korea and India. Thousands of log truck loads of Monterey Pine, Eucalyptus and other suitable soft and hard woods have been chipped and exported for paper production as fiber . Millions of board feet of lumber have been produced from our salvage and harvest. Exotic trees, such as Black Acacia, Redwood, and Bay are sold to specialty milling operations to create high end interior finish material.

Our high quality chips are sought after by landscapers, equestrian centers, and homeowners as an affordable alternative to more expensive products.

Our drop off site at 150 Old Tunnel Road is open to the public for green waste recycling by appointment. We are conveniently located at the bottom of Fish Ranch Road on the Contra Costa Side of the Caldecott tunnel. We accept all green waste from yard trimmings to logs and stumps.

Products: Call to purchase bulk loads of firewood logs and chips. Woodworkers can sign up on our “wish” list for unusual materials for milling and bowl turning stock.